Papa et maman on décieé de ne pas faire de sapin cette année puisque nous passons noel en dehors de chez nous et que pour le moment je suis encore petit ..
mais chez papou et mamoune ils ont fait le beau sapin
ouais trop fort, tu tiens dans ton petit fauteuil comme un grand... mais que dis je tu ES un grand bonhomme !!! Commentaire déposé le 16.12.2009 à 21:55 par Stéphanie (Arthur & ses parents)
La pause tel une star... Sur ton petit fauteuil de star.... Trop beau ;) Commentaire déposé le 18.01.2010 à 00:46 par Déborah Daniel et tiago
Following on from my comment last time.Why is Exchange bad?I know there used to be proelbms with restore from backups, and each server could only handle a small number of users, but is this still the case?I also heard that Exchange can either do IMAP, or do the MS protocol (the name i forget mapi?) but not both. So you either don't offer the core functionality people expect from Outlook/exchange, or you lock out imap users. Anyone know if this is still true? Commentaire déposé le 12.08.2013 à 22:05 par HLkNvaNKL0hN
Traditionally, the office of insurance commissioner has been an appointed position. Those selected to Quotes Chimp important post have usually been people who have made their careers in the insurance industry and who intend to return to it after public service. Their attitudes often reflect insurance industry attitudes and prejudices. By making the post elective rather than appointive, the point of view of the consumers, if they are organized and alert, will have to be taken into account. This will reduce the power of the industry to control those who are in the position to regulate them and will make life much easier for the consumer.
Commentaire déposé le 06.03.2014 à 08:12 par eTjMfm8N